I've been out for awhile now...but with very good reason! I've been trying to make sure my hands that currently look something like this....
(22 year old hand with rheumatoid arthritis) Didn't turn into this....

Due to me having
Rheumatoid Arthritis I've been out of commission the last few weeks. This past Wed. I had a visit with my Rheumatologist about all the pain I had been experiencing as of the last few weeks. I told him that I had been having a popping going on in my knee since my last visit and how it was now happening every time I walk...which also was very painful. So I thought he was going to just have me get an X-Ray or something...NOPE!!! He just looked at me and said..."I can shoot your knee with steroids"...

then this

was my first reaction. And the worst thing about it was my mom didn't come with me this time...so it was either take the shoot now by myself...or wait and be in pain. So I man'd up and decided to get the shoot. I guess my doctor could tell I was a little scared, cause he offered to have one of the nurses come and hold my hand...LOL!!! But I got the shoot, and so far I haven't notice a big difference...my knee is still killing me. He said that if in two weeks my knee doesn't feel any better, due to me having fluid in my knee...which is causing the popping and soreness...he's going to have to drain my knee....FML!!!
But yeah...so that's what I've been up too...my hands where also very sore which is why I wasn't blogging as well. But I'm hoping to get better for my family reunion and for my upcoming trips to DC,PHILLY, NYC and maybe FLA!!!! Wish Me Luck!!!!
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